Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How Does Music Help Foetus

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to centre stage - at least it seems that way. If you have been thinking you need to know more about it, here is your opportunity.

Those of you not familiar with the latest information on music and feotus now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.

Music is important in prenatal training. It helps to heal and produce a soothing and calming effect for mother and baby. One of the things that mothers should note is that before you can introduce music to your baby, you should first be able to enjoy it yourself. If you convey that you are not comfortable with music, he or she too will not be able to enjoy it.


Mothers who sing lullabies or children songs for the unborn baby are creating prenatal memories for the children later. When mother sings a song for the unborn baby, the baby will feel the love sent to the womb. It helps the baby to grow physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. For instance, my second son sang "I love you forever" at the age of 2 years old. He loved this song because he heard this song when he was in my womb as I used to sing it to him constantly.

Another example was my first son who is more proficient in English. Yet at the age of three, he sang a Cantonese song "Little Po Po", a language that he is not familiar with. He told us he could remember that song because grandma (who is a Cantonese) sang this song to him when he was in my womb.

In my third pregnancy, I incorporated music and singing into my prenatal training. I started to play the piano and sing children's songs to my third child. I noticed that as I sang the songs, my third child would make movements in my womb. His response in turn motivated me to continue singing to him. While I was singing these songs, I felt my energy level improve and shift to the positive. I became more energetic and it helped me set the right mood for the day.

Relaxation Music

I like alpha, heartbeat and Mozart's music. I listened to it constantly throughout my pregnancy with my second son. I felt relaxed and peaceful while the soothing music was playing. Two years later, to my surprise of course, my younger son told me that he too loved Mozart's music. We have now made it a common practice to turn on Mozart's music at night while reading story books to our children. In addition, he likes to listen to the heartbeat music before sleep. Music plays an important role in our lives. It helps us to relax and enjoy our lives.

Use of relaxation music and songs will have soothing and calming effects on mothers and unborn babies. You also create an instant connection with your unborn child through music.

As your knowledge about music and unborn baby continues to grow, you will begin to see how it into the overall scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest of the world is important too.

Disclaimers: The author shares this article based on her personal and work experience and disclaims any responsibility for any liability, losses or damages and /or application of any of contents of this article.

Ms Mak Wai Chong, a mother of 3 children, is a freelance trainer and counsellor. She has worked as social worker and counsellor for 17 years. Visit her website at WiseParents.net for prenatal training and parenting information and FREE newsletters.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wai_Chong_Mak

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